Saturday, November 8, 2008

more pictures of the parents?

so i have been going through my pictures realizing i have almost none of john and i not necessarily together, just at all...or at least not recently...i guess that's what happens with kids. they are way cuter than me or john, and i like the way i look less and less. so i guess it works out anyway.  here's some more sweet pictures of my darling children!

i never got to post pictures of halloween trunk or treat, so here are just a few before i head to bed
Elizabeth & Randy Jordan and their adorable little giraffe Bradley

My best friend Amanda and her also adorable corn on the cob Benjamin!

the babies were both real sleepy, and cranky. oh well. we had fun anyway.

here comes peter cotton tail hopping down the bunny trail, hippity hoppity look at peter go! well, daniel was a bunny, and i just love the floppy ears and the cute little nub of a tail... funny cuz kathryn was a bunny too. that's gonna be it for now

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